


Denrith is composed of three continents: Dena, Ritoa, Theos. Famous for its deadly jungles, Each continent has a unique culture and history.


Each continent has a monarchy that has over the years merged into one functioning government. All of them have had rocky relationships in the past but have claimed that they are all peaceful now. The monarchy has a close relationship with the Jax Trading Company and has allowed them to set up trading places in their cities.


Each continent has very different cultures. Deana is known for its tall trees and taller cities each and every inch covered in color. It’s also known for their several festivals throughout the year. Ritoa is known for its beaches in the east and mountains in the north. It’s cities are known for their cuisine, especially nautic based food. Theos is known for their stone castles and their theatre.

Galactic Standing

Denrith is culture rich and for some an exciting vacation for others it’s a hotbed of crime and shifty players. Sideri

Denrith’s only moon. Considered too dangerous to live in because of the wild animals that live there.