


Mostly covered in water other than small islands. Largest planet in Palas.


Vellin runs a democratic government with a group of representatives from each region and an elected president of the whole planet.


All islands on Vellin are tropical by nature but there are some differences between the regions. Some don’t even claim to be from any of the regions and insead have spent all of their lives on the sea. Material things are considered a burden by many and most only keep enough stuff to fill one bag.

Galactic Standing

Vellin is often envied for their freedom from material things but others view them as poor and think less of them. Some visit when they seek a religious experience. Their moon Artemis is the most prestigious university in the galaxy.


Parts of Artemis are used for mining and the rest is the University. It’s a prestigious school that has sections in all fields.


Considered sacred to Vellins and it were many go when they want to dedicate their lives to searching for the answers to life.